The Charter School is certified as a Dashboard Alternative School Status. This means we adhere to a different accountability model than traditional schools.

Dashboard Alternative School Status

In 2013, California’s accountability system significantly changed with the adoption of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). Included in LCFF is a new accountability system, the California School Dashboard (Dashboard), which contains state indicators and standards to help identify a school’s strengths, weaknesses, and areas in need of improvement. In recognition of alternative schools that serve at-risk/traditionally underserved students, in May 2017 the State Board of Education approved the Dashboard Alternative School Status (DASS) program. The DASS replaces the previously-administered Alternative Schools Accountability Model (ASAM) and holds alternative schools and alternative schools of choice accountable for alternative accountability indicators that will be incorporated in the Dashboard beginning with the Fall 2018 release.

Written By:
Abi Lawrence